Concept of the Operation

I want to acknowledge organizations such as God’s Pit CrewRed Cross, and other similar organizations for their service and their often heroic army of volunteers for the work they do in the areas of disaster response and disaster recovery.  When the world turns ugly, their efforts make the ugly a little less ugly.

Beacons for Christ, Inc is not in competition with these organizations.  On the contrary, we desire to work in tandem with them.  Arguably, their primary efforts are in the response and recovery aspects of the phases of Emergency Management.  Beacons for Christ place our emphasis on the initial phases of mitigation and preparedness.

Other organizations employ the philosophy of triage; deploy the most resources where they can do the most good.  Beacons for Christ wants to enhance the resiliency of communities in the underserved areas to increase their chances of survivability during the days and weeks following a traumatic event.

Beacons for Christ, Inc desires to fill this gap in philosophy within the non-profit, disaster response industry..