Thank you for visiting our website. The following information will provide you with information about who we are as an organization and what we hope is accomplish by our efforts.

At Beacons for Christ we feel churches ought to be places where people can go, especially during times of elevated anxiety, to receive aid and comfort. This provides an opportunity for the church to also attend to their community’s spiritual needs, by providing the comfort that can only come from the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Just like the old lighthouses were used to guide boats to safety, Beacons for Christ wants our churches to have sufficient lighting to be a beacon that will guide all members of a community, or travelers to its doors. We want them to have the resources that will aid in providing a safe harbor during troubling times. 

Our Vision

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 teaches there is a time for everything under heaven. In verse 5 we learn there is a time for gathering. Beacons for Christ exists as a “gathering” resource for Christ-centered churches.  Our mission is to provide emergency lighting, first aid supplies and other materials or services to those organizations that are based in under-served areas.

A time to heal

A time to mourn

A time to build

A time to plant

a time to weep…

a time to laugh

a time to dance

a time to kill

A time to be born

A Time to Gather Stones